I met with JJ from the Little Leo’s (Lion’s Club) program. This is actually our third meeting and the last one was about six months ago. I met JJ when I was speaking at the Women’s Council of Realtors. I was impressed that JJ spent time helping with the Kids at Risk program through the Lion’s Club.
I met with JJ in January to talk about his Realtor office could work with my school.
He’s going to be bringing the head of the Little Leo’s program to meet me in July. They have the ability to interview the kids at risk and make sure the ids are cleared through customs to move them to Belize. It’ll be great working with an organization that can pave the way for me. It’ll be much easier than trying to do it on my own.
Having to figure out these things on my own, especially with minors, would have been a major undertaking. So this will be great to work with such a large organization.
I’ll keep you posted on the developments as they occur.