Once construction is underway, we will have a live streaming video of the progress. So be sure to come back and keep up with our progress!
I told the architect that designed the school I wanted the school to look like a modern day version of Harry Potter’s Hogwarts Castle. Three days later he called me to say he had finished these drawings.

This school is extremely innovative:
- Students will be referred by judges of juvenile court who are first and second time offenders of minor crimes
- Students will launch their own business within the first 30 days of being on campus
- All required curriculum will be delivered in multi media followed by an hour discussion and then two hours in the multi media lab editing the discussions (4 hour absorption for each class)
- There will be two students per 10 x 15 mini suite which includes private bath and shower
- The road leading into the schools is a yellow brick road
- 20 Students per Teacher Assistant and 20 students per Teacher
- Students will write their own grants beginning in their Junior year
- All students are required to take all extracurricular courses which will presented by visiting instructors which will be video taped
- Puff the Magic Dragon will be our mascot
- Students will be encouraged to re-invent all products and be able to develop prototypes; utilize manufacturing, marketing and distribution systems
- We will have 75 grandparent couples living on campus to provide mentorship in the form of knitting, sewing, cooking, fishing, whittling, etc.
- We will have an annual whistling contest
- Students will participate in raising coffee, cocoa, honey, hemp, lupin beans, grapes and a wide variety of vegetables as well as in manufacturing clothing, shoes, tents & linens
- Our livestock will include buffalo, cattle, chickens, goats, pigs and horses
- Each student will write their own book by the end of their senior year
- Each student will spend one semester at the University at Sea program