Star Wars

Since the inception of the school concept I have been saying I want the curriculum to look like a Star Wars movie. I know when the kids are taught by multi media they will retain the information longer and understand it better.

I was very tired one Thursday afternoon, I often will work until midnight or 1 am to finish what ever I’m working on and then get up the regular time the next day. So I allow myself the luxury of taking a nap whenever I need it.

It was 4 pm and the educational channel was on when I decided to lay down, I was exhausted and couldn’t keep my eyes open. Just as I was closing my eyes a promotion for Lucas Films Educational Foundation began to air. My eyes popped open and I watched intently. I had never known about an educational foundation by Lucas Films. Why had I never heard of it? I’m the info junkie and I had been saying my curriculum would look like a Star Wars movie for ten years?

On Monday I did my self-imposed 15 dials and the last call I made was to Belinda Beebe who I was inviting to my Elite Leads meeting in SF. After twenty minutes Belinda mentioned she used to work at Lucas Films. My heart stopped, it literally stopped momentarily stopped, then I drew a deep breath and asked if she knew anyone at the foundation.

“Yes”, she replied, “my friend is the head of PR.”

I told her briefly about UBU and asked if she would provide an introduction.

“Of course” she offered generously.

Again, I’m humbled, I know this is bigger than life. This school has a bigger purpose than my life or any other life at this moment.

Our children deserve a helping hand, they will get that hand up through UBU and all the resources that are involved throughout the process.

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