
About 18 months ago I was introduced to a speaker’s bureau in Canada and about two months ago one of the other speakers who are listed as one of the many speakers and I connected. But it was on Friday last week we really made the connection.

Somehow Slavica noticed my mentions about UBU and started a dialogue on Facebook. I truly appreciated her kind remarks about the school and the innovative teaching environment we’re working on.

But on Monday I started thinking about how we can collaborate. I love Joint Ventures.

I came up with the idea of having several of the people she has been talking to write a chapter in a book about how they intend to change the world. What I didn’t know was she had just launched a new group on Face book: Change the Worlds.

By the end of our conversation, she had 183 in the group and as of today, there are more than 500! People need hope and a purpose to put their energy into making the world a better place to live.

I decided to interview Slavica on my radio show that features successful authors and those who have tips for authors to become more successful, but of course I always feature a bit about UBU on the show.

I’ll post the interview here as soon as it is ready to download in case you’re not able to listen in 12 noon 11/30 Secrets of Getting Published

Together, we can all change the world and make it a better place to live now and for generations to come!