Grants Galore

Clyde Jones who is the broker for our Chinese funding connection introduced me to Lee Rosenblum who is with Harvest Development Group. Their firm designs, develops and monitors grant and fundraising programs for non profits.

He just happened to be in Northern California for a family event and met up with me in Vallejo where we got to spend a couple of hours talking about UBU and what I say as a overall view of our fundraising needs.

A couple of days later Jeanne Boy from the home office called me to go over the details of what they can provide and what I would like to have them develop for UBU.

Their proposal will include hiring, training, overseeing and reporting on a team of 40 grant writers who will be based around the country.

Other fundraising activities will involve direct mail, mobile phone campaigns and community outreach.

I love the fact they agree with my philosophy of fundraising being as much about raising money as it is community outreach and raising visibility to a problem that exists.

A great vantage point Lee mentioned is there are a lot of people in every community who would like to help but they aren’t aware of who they should be helping.

I look forward to a long and productive relationship with Harvest Development Group.