
I met Laurel and Anna through an Intelligence call (talking about the funding for UBU) back in November. Laurel immediately wanted to talk with me about some of the challenges she’s had with her health and to introduce me to Anna who works with Rod.
Rod is connected with the Red Dragon Family in China through the Ambassador. They asked to see my business plan, so I sent it on to Hague where it was immediately accepted.

The Red Dragon Family is known for funding humanitarian projects around the world and they offered to fund each and every campus we plan to create.

This is more evidence we are creating something which will be recognized as one of the most worthwhile projects in the world.

In the near future I will travel to Switzerland to connect with the Ambassador, learn how they prefer we structure our part of the relationship and then go to China to set up the non profit corporations there.

The connections they will offer UBU/UBI will be more valuable than I can describe. Their reach across the world is beyond belief. When we connect with others on this level it will put us on a whole new plateau.