Dreams Come True

I have been honored several times by Powerful Women International, an organization founded by Valeri Bocage in San Francisco. Valeri has taken a special interest in UBU and what it stands for.

Last Saturday I was able to speak for a few minutes at Valeri’s event celebrating women and Mother’s Day. Valeri has appointed me the Chief Dream Officer for the organization, which couldn’t have made me happier. If I was to choose a position in any organization, Chief Dream Office would be my first choice.

I love to inspire love to inspire others to discover and live their dreams. Sometimes, I have found, it only takes one person to awaken the dream which has been awaiting recognition.

Everyone has a dream, a heart felt passion or an interest in which they care deeply. But few people act on that passion or realize their dreams. Most believe they are incapable of seeing it through to fruition while others have no idea where to begin.

The best method of realizing your dream is to gather a team of people who will be able to help generate the momentum it takes to see a dream come true.

It only takes one person to dream of a way to make the world a better place and their passion to enroll others to see the dream to realization.