
I met Ken Hubscher in New York at the NextGen event and we finally had a chance to talk this week. He has a wonderful fund raiser project for schools using toys.

In early 2011 we came across a problem that presented us with a wonderful idea! As a highly successful international toy wholesaler we give away thousands of toys a year in toy donations to charitable organizations in need. What we learned though was that their overall need for toys was so much greater than what we could handle ourselves. It was quickly obvious to us that these great organizations needed a way to help themselves get more toys. And from that notion ToyRaiser was born. By leveraging our amazing buying power and ability to distribute toys across the country we would empower those organizations with a potent online Toy Drive platform that would allow them to crowd-source toy donations from their community of fans and donors.

The more Ken and I talked the more interested he became in UBU. He liked the concept of the multi media curriculum and having the extra-curriculum courses especially.

So we’ll follow up at a later date and see where it goes.