Rey Banzon, our architect invited the entire FASAEO (Filipino American Society of Architects and Engineers) to Rey’s project in Lafayette. It was the first time the group saw what Rey has been working on for more than three years. Rey treated everyone to a tour of the 6,500 sq ft home (originally 1,500 sq ft) and the amazing work including the handmade 6 foot Bay window, stunning stained glass art throughout, inlay ceiling panels, hand painted cabinet doors, custom handmade dining table and rock walls.
Phil did an excellent presentation on a timeline for the construction including the weather patterns and projections for staging.
Ernie has designed an extension for the kitchen to accommodate the 60/40 ratio of the seating/kitchen requirements. It will add a bay beyond the building to allow for extra ventilation and ample delivery access.
Rey treated everyone to a tasty Philippine lunch he had prepared and most of us ate outside in the warm sun.