
Each and every day it is obvious we are making progress even though it seems very slow indeed. I meet the most incredible people who have connections to Belize, the construction industry, non profit world and so on.

There is no doubt in my mind we are on the right track and this school for kids who have no one looking out for them will become a reality.

We are now in a position to have better connections in Belize through Melanie Greenwood who grew up in Belize. She approached me on LinkedIn to interview her on my radio program since she is a publisher and my program is for authors.

In the middle of the show I made a comment I told her about the school in Belize and she told me she was born in Belize and has many contacts there. And the great thing is she has corporate recruiting experience and can work into our UBU family.

It always amazes me when I think about having plans to do something, like interviewing Melanie and then it turns out to be so much more than I had ever imagined!

Life is funny that way, UBU seems to be hilarious!