Wrong Number

Have you ever had a caller say “Sorry, wrong number?” Most people have! This call however was more of a sales call but when I said “sorry, I’ll be moving to Belize soon.”

He said “You could have said anywhere else and it wouldn’t have mattered! My boss has a house in Belize and we go there often!”

So he put his boss on the phone and we talked for nearly an hour! He not only has a house in Belize near the ruins but another property near the ocean where they do ocean tours for guests. He even has a resort property with a zip line!

His contacts in Belize are amazing! He knows a family in Belize who have 13 brothers who are are in business in Belize; the owner of the banana plantations and a boat touring company. He even volunteered his girlfriend to come to our campus to do arts and crafts lessons.

It always astonishes me how many connections I have made nearly by accident! I Love how the Universe always provides amazing people for me to add to our UBU family!