J. Douglas Hollie is President and CEO of H.E.A.R.T. 2 H.E.A.R.T., Inc. which was established in 2009, and serves five (6) counties in the San Francisco Bay Area, by providing expert services to participants who have complex mental health issues, substance abuse and/or judicial challenges; with the goal to empower participants to achieve success by taking an active role in their own healing and/or recovery process.
A Detroit, Michigan native, a former NFL football player for the Detroit Lions and the Seattle Seahawks, Mr. Hollie is the current President for the National Football League Former Players Association in Northern California, where he has introduced several community focused programs that feature former professional athletes serving in the various communities, to include the most recent program, “Real Men Read” where men read aloud to elementary school children to reinforce the love for reading and learning.
To further give back to the community, Mr. Hollie as President, along with other Highland Park High School Alumni as board members, created the Highland Park Urban Development Initiative to provide affordable housing for Highland Park, Michigan residents and to assist the Highland Park School District in creating an environment for learning by supplementing funds for school renovations, such as refurbishing the football field for healthy recreation and chaperoning educational field trips, such as the U.S. Presidential Inauguration.
Since 1990, Mr. Hollie has been working with youth in juvenile probation; as well as, job and college readiness programs around the Bay Area; to include the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, “Back on Track” program, which facilitated the rehabilitation of clients re-entering society from prison by providing vital programs, such as, housing and educational assistance, employment assessment, mental health counseling and other services essential for their success after incarceration.
In 1996, Mr. Hollie became Founder and CEO of S.M.A.R.T. Students Inc., providing underprivileged youth nationwide, with tools for self-empowerment and improvement, by creating and facilitating local, regional and global educational opportunities for growth. To date, S.M.A.R.T. Students Inc. has awarded 85 college scholarships for at-risk youths.
Mr. Hollie is also a recipient of the 2008 KQED (Public TV) Local Hero Award for Community Leader of the Year, in recognition of Black History Month, sponsored by Union Bank. He holds a Bachelor’s of Art degree in Criminal Justice from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and is affiliated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice.
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